The Roach Lab at San Diego State University leads research on bacteriophage (phage) therapy for antibiotic-resistant infections. Combining basic and translational research, we identify and isolate specific phages that can target harmful bacteria, especially those that cause human infections. We analyze the properties of phages, including their genetic makeup, host range, and mechanisms of action, to understand how they efficiently kill bacteria. Further, we investigate how the human immune system responds to phages, including whether phages cause allergic reactions or trigger other harmful immune responses. Our work aims to revolutionize the treatment of antibiotic-resistant infections, providing a novel and effective alternative to traditional antibiotics, and ultimately improving patient outcomes in the face of growing antimicrobial resistance.

San Diego State University
Department of Biology
Engineer & Interdisciplinary Sciences
RM 201
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182
Lab phone: 619-594-3066